Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There Are No Words...

Hello my darlings. I'm sorry to realize that once again I have left you without a real blog for a full three weeks. I am back at school, as you know, and school is excited to have me back. So excited, in fact, that it decided to assure its time with me by filling my life with readings, papers, assignments, papers, recitations, and more papers. With all these papers to write, I could not bring myself to write more in my free-time. I planned on it everyday. I would think to myself, "My faithful readers are expecting a post. When I need a break from these essays, I will write a blog." As it turns out, when I needed a break from writing, I could not bring myself to write more. "Well," I'm sure you are wondering, "If you weren't writing for us, what were you doing with all that time?" An excellent question, my friend! I will tell you! I spent the last three weeks cooking.

To start, a few friends and I banded together to make Jollof Rice on a Friday (every time I mentioned this to someone they heard me say "Jello fries" and were sorely disappointed when they found out what I was offering them did not consist mainly of sugar. But the rice was delicious, I assure you). On Valentine's Day I baked little brownies shaped like people and carried them around my dorm with a tube of frosting, offering everyone I encountered the opportunity to decorate and then eat their own little chocolate valentine. (This turned into an interesting experiment. Some gave their brownie men faces, some gave them hearts, some gave them little T-shirts, and some merely squirted a bit of frosting on them and then bit off their heads.) And then the next day my miniature cupcake tins arrived and I had to use them, so naturally I spent the next day making tiny red velvet cupcakes, which also promptly disappeared.

The next week a friend and I gathered ingredients and took over our dorm's kitchen to make her family's old recipe for Lumpias (a sort of Filipino egg roll), which, by the way was quite a feat. We had to fry them in oil, and each time a roll encountered the boiling oil it would explode in a hundred tiny little splashes, until we were both sprinkled with teeny tiny burns and the kitchen floor was coated with oil. But those little Lumpias were certainly worth it, and the sauce we crafted to go with them was delectable, enough so that when the rest of the girls in our hall saw what we were making, the remaining Lumpias mysteriously disappeared. And finally to top it all off we made one large batch of cookies, which also promptly disappeared.

In the midst of all this eating I wrote quite a few papers, and by the end of last week felt I had climbed a veritable mountain, homework wise, and was ready for the downhill trek when things got a little easier. No such luck. Another week, another four papers to write. I will keep you posted on this week's cooking. I plan on making muffins.

Genesis 2:2-3 tells us that when God finished creating the world, he rested, and then "...God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." When I am overwhelmed by schoolwork and just need a moment to sit or cook or rest, it's so encouraging to know that God himself rested from His work (albeit much greater work than what I've been laboring over), and set aside time for us to do the same. So take comfort, take a break, and know that you're in good company.

Truly His,

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