Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ferris wheel love

I am officially a college student. How do I know this, you ask? Well, after a week of staying up late doing homework, watching my roommate do homework, or writing these blogs, yesterday morning I slept in until noon. I am not usually one to sleep in. In fact, for most of this month I have woken up before my alarm even goes off. I find it nearly impossible to ever sleep past 9. So yesterday was a big deal, a rite of passage, so to speak.

When I finally did awaken, my roommate, my neighbor Lis, and I all went to the LA County Fair. If you have never been to a County Fair in one of the largest counties in the country let me express its size to you: they have a ski lift just to get across the fairgrounds.

So, after much of the usual fair festivities, we made our way to the enormous Ferris wheel. After surrendering five dollars worth of tickets, being forced to give up my coffee(a true tragedy; why wouldn't coffee be allowed in an open box so high in the air?) and standing in line for quite a little while, we made it into our own little box of the Ferris wheel. It was a lovely journey, I must say. When we were nearing the top, Lis mentioned that she was afraid of heights, and, determined to show that I, unlike so much of the world, was distinctly not afraid of heights, I stuck my head out and looked straight down.

I don't think I have ever had so instantaneous a reaction. I will admit to you that it seems I very well may be subconsciously afraid of heights, because looking down like that was simply overwhelming, it was literally very dizzying. And pondering these great heights, a verse comes to mind. Romans 8:39 says "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Now think about this for a second. The height of a Ferris wheel overwhelms me. The height from a plane is hard to comprehend. I cannot comprehend the greatest heights of creation, they overwhelm me. And even so I know that God is greater than that distance, and his love remains near to us no matter what.

Truly His,

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