Saturday, September 12, 2009

I have fallen to blogging

Hello World!

My name is Caroline Davoust, and I have decided to start a blog. I must tell you that I had many hesitations about doing this, the greatest of which being that I never read anyone else's blog, so writing one is probably outrageously hypocritical. You may be asking, "If you never read blogs then why are you writing one?" Actually, I seriously doubt that you are asking that, because I seriously doubt that you are reading this. I secretly think that everyone in the world is like me and does not read any blog but their own.

Nevertheless, here I am, and I will answer this question that you did not ask. I am starting a blog because:
  • I have a plethora of possibly humorous anecdotes sitting in my head begging to be shared. If I document them in a blog, I can convince myself that they are being shared, and that they may even have made someone laugh.
  • Upon sharing some of these anecdotes with my dad, he laughed and said, "This is great stuff; you should write a blog." Obviously I listen to my parents.
  • I have not seen many blogs that mention Jesus in every entry, and I am sure that it is possible, so I am endeavoring to write a blog that very intentionally glorifies God, and that I truly hope even makes Him laugh from time to time.
So there you have it. I don't know how long of an entry you, my reader (imagined or real), will have the patience to read so I will mention Jesus and sign out.

Jesus showed me this weekend the power of simply talking to Him. Zephaniah 3:17 says "The Lord your God is with you; he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." God's delight is in you, he loves you, he rejoices over you. And if God is so delighted with you that he rejoices over you with singing, I'm sure he wants to hear from you.

Truly His,

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